Stay safe

We care about the safety of our global community. Our tools can keep your account secure and your privacy protected.


Your experiences on Meta technologies should be safe and secure. If you see something that goes against the Facebook Community Standards, let us know. Be careful who you share your information with and remember that you can unfriend or block someone if they're bothering you.


Every day, people around the world share content on Meta technologies that results in new and incredible ideas, opportunities, friendships and collaborations.

It's important to be thoughtful about how and what you share. Consider your audience and remember that the things you share with your friends and followers can end up being shared with others. We make it easy for you to decide who can see the content you share, and we have safety policies that prohibit hateful, violent or sexually explicit content.

Before you share, ask yourself:

  • Could somebody use this to hurt me?
  • Would I be upset if someone shared this with others?
  • What's the worst thing that could happen if I shared this?

Friending and following

Meta technologies are a place to connect with the people and causes you care about. Before following or accepting someone as a friend, view the person’s profile. Have you ever met them? Do you have friends in common? Are they someone you want in your personal community?

Unfollowing and unfriending

When you unfollow someone, you won't see their posts in your feed. On Facebook, you’ll still be friends with them when you unfollow.

If you choose to unfriend someone, Facebook won't notify the person, but you'll be removed from their friends list.


You can also block someone to unfriend them. This will prevent them from starting conversations with you on Messenger or Facebook chat or seeing things you post on your profile. In addition, people you block can no longer tag you or invite you to events or groups.

Blocking is reciprocal, so you also won't be able to see things they post or start conversations with them. When you block someone, we don't notify them.

You can stop receiving WhatsApp messages, calls and status updates from certain contacts by blocking them.

Restrict accounts

Your Restricted list is for people you’ve added as a friend on Facebook but may not want to share everything with. When you add someone to your Restricted list, you’ll still be friends with them, but they'll only be able to see your public information (e.g., your posts and profile info you choose to make public) and the posts you tag them in.

On Instagram, if you restrict someone, they won’t be able to see when you’re online or if you’ve read their messages. Their new comments on your posts will only be visible to them. You can choose to see the comment, and then approve, delete or ignore it. You won’t receive any notifications for future comments from that person.

Manage comments

Use privacy and safety tools to control comments on your posts. You can adjust who is able to comment on your posts: the public, just your friends or only certain profiles and pages. To promote safe, meaningful conversations with your community and prevent harassment, you can hide comments containing certain words. Using a profanity filter on your Page will help you hide the most commonly reported words and phrases marked offensive by the community.

Report abuse

We include a link on nearly every piece of content for reporting abuse, bullying, harassment and other issues. Our global teams work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to review content you report. We remove anything that violates our policies.

On Facebook, if you've reported something, you have the option to check the status of your report from your Support Inbox. Only you can see your Support Inbox. We don't include any information about the person who filed the report when we reach out to the responsible account holder.