Meta regularly collaborates with or supports third-party partners or public figures. These guidelines outline the main approaches Meta takes in third-party partnerships and how to design on-brand communications leveraging Meta’s brand assets. As a reminder, any content featuring Meta, Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp assets requires prior approval.
Partnerships only exist with Meta's primary brands: Meta, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp or a Meta Sub-brand that has a unique logo lockup (such as Meta Quest or Meta Pay). Use the logo files that are available for download on this site or provided by your Meta contact.
Meta partners with third parties in several ways, depending on the goals of the engagement.
Common executions
The following executions are the most commonly used across third-party partnerships. Detailed guidance for each is included on this page.
Specialized executions
In rare cases, we may develop specialized badges to signal the presence of a Meta technology inside a third-party experience (or vice versa) or to signal an organization has been certified by Meta or one of its offerings. Please work with your Meta contact if you think an ingredient or certification badge approach is best to signal the relationship.
Using text and voiceover
In addition to the logos or logo lockups you feature in these executions, you may reference additional Meta offerings in an asset’s supportive copy. You can also leverage voiceover when appropriate to help add additional context for audiences without crowding what appears on screen.
The following three principles help Meta and its partners protect their brands and clearly communicate the relationship.
1. Establish a clear host and guest.
The host is the partner that owns the communication. The guest is the partner that is featured in the communication.
The host’s brand provides the visual identity and voice, setting the stage for the execution.
This page provides guidance for situations where you as our partner are the host, meaning your brand owns the communication and it follows your brand identity. If your brand is a guest and you’re designing a communication on behalf of Meta as the host brand, please stop and reach out to your Meta point of contact for more direction.
Socialize owns the communication, so it guides the visual identity. In this case of partnership co-branding, the host logo is placed to the left of the hairline.
Socialize is featured in the communication, so Meta guides the visual identity and the guest logo is placed to the right of the hairline.
2. Don’t blend identities.
Don’t blend visual assets to create a hybrid visual identity. Instead, use the tools outlined in these guidelines to protect our brands and clearly articulate the partnership’s message and goals.
DO combine brands thoughtfully. Here, NewsNow is the host, so the communication is designed according to its brand guidelines. Meta is included as a guest and its logo appears to the right of the hairline.
DON’T blend visual identities. In this communication Meta colors and typography are mixed with NewsNow’s visual elements, creating a confusing hierarchy.
3. Use the right execution at the right moment.
Partnerships are dynamic. The execution may change depending on the activation, the needs of the audience or the moment in time. Below is an example of how one partnership uses different executions depending on context.
Use the following guidance when communicating a partnership or product integration in writing.
Announcing a partnership
Partner communications, including press releases and announcements, should clearly articulate the partnership and be reflective of the host’s voice.
Note: This guidance doesn't apply to Meta resellers.
Naming and referencing a product integration
Product integrations happen when one partner’s technology is integrated into the product or platform of another partner.
When naming a product integration, use the following name constructs to make the relationship clear.
Name construct
Meta-created integrations:
[Meta technology] for [partner]
Meta XR Plugin for Unreal
Partner-created integrations:
[Partner name] for [Meta technology]
[Partner name] with [Meta technology]
Kajabi integration with Facebook Pages
Don’t add descriptions or any other words to our product names. Don’t use the possessive “our” or the preposition “by.” Don’t name a product integration using symbols that lack descriptive meaning. Instead, use descriptive copy rather than a name to help clarify the product integration.
When referencing a product integration in UX/UI, use our approved brand names and brand guidelines or product names.
Use co-branding to express an equal partnership.
Co-branding with Meta
Logo version
Always use the Meta logo lockup. The primary blue lockup is the preferred color treatment. For more information, see logo guidance.
Clear space, sizing and placement for horizontal logo lockup (primary)
The horizontal logo lockup is the preferred format. We use a hairline to associate our logo lockup with a partner logo. If your brand style is to use another connector symbol, please be sure to respect the size and spacing guidance provided. All executions that feature the Meta logo lock-up require approval from our brand team.
Default clear space:
The default clear space for the logo lockup is defined by doubling the height of the symbol and then applying that measurement equally to all four sides of the logo lockup.
Refer to the host’s brand guidelines for direction on logo placement within the design composition.
Logo minimum size:
The minimum size is defined by the height of the Meta symbol and should never be used below 12px/5mm.
The distance between the hairline and logos is 1x the width of the symbol.
Logos are middle aligned. Use the top and bottom as a guide and scale the logos in the same manner. Make minor scaling adjustments if needed to ensure that the two logos are visually balanced.
Use the following proportions for the hairline:
Hairline weight: 1/50 h
Hairline height: 1.5 h
Minimum hairline weight: .5 pt
Note: If the partner is the host, they may guide sizing and spacing. If not, use the guidance above.
Clear space and sizing for stacked vertical lockup (secondary)
In cases where the horizontal co-branding logo lockup cannot be used, use the stacked vertical lockup instead.
The host logo is always placed above the hairline.
Default clear space:
The default clear space for the logo lockup is defined by doubling the height of the symbol and then applying that measurement equally to all four sides of the logo lockup.
Logo clear space:
Leave clear space of at least 1/2x the width of the symbol between both the hairline and the logos.
Logos are center aligned. Make minor scaling adjustments if needed to ensure that the two logos are visually balanced.
Use the following proportions for the hairline:
Hairline weight: 1/50 h
Hairline height: 70% of w
Minimum hairline weight: .5 pt
Note: If the partner is the host, they may guide the co-branding treatment. If not, use the guidance above.
Color when the partner is the host
The partner will generally guide the visual identity for the touchpoint.
The Meta logo lockup should be set in primary blue whenever possible. If not possible, it can appear in white as a secondary option.
Always ensure legibility. This includes creating enough contrast between logos and the background color.
Co-branding with all other Meta offerings
This guidance is applicable when the partnership includes Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp or a Meta Sub-brand that has a unique logo lockup (such as Meta Quest or Meta Pay).
Clear space and sizing for horizontal logo lockups (primary)
The horizontal co-branding lockup is the preferred version.
The host brand is always placed to the left of the hairline.
Logo clearspace:
Use “w,” the width of the host brand logo, as the main metric to measure the spacing between the hairline and the logos.
This scale approach works in most cases; however, as each logo design can vary widely, elements should be visually balanced.
Logo minimum size:
Please respect the minimum logo size set by the brand guidelines.
Use the following proportions for the hairline:
Hairline weight: 1/50 h
Hairline height: 1.5 h
Note: If the partner is the host, they may have guidance in place to direct the size and spacing. If not, you can use the guidance above.
Clear space and sizing for vertical logo lockups (secondary)
In cases where the horizontal co-branding logo lockup cannot be used, use the stacked vertical lockup instead.
The host logo is always placed above the hairline.
In this case, maintain the minimum clear space of ½ the width (w) between the host brand’s logo, the hairline and the guest brand’s logo.
Logos should be center aligned.
Use the following proportions for the hairline:
Hairline weight: 1/50 h
Hairline height: 70% of logo width
Color when the partner is the host
The host brand guides the visual identity for the touchpoint. Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Meta Sub-brand logos can appear in full-color (preferred) or monochromatic white.
Always ensure legibility. This includes creating enough contrast between logos and the background color.
Applying the guidance
Usage guidance
DO scale the logos equally.
DON’T scale logos in a way that makes one logo appear smaller or larger than the other logo.
DO only keep two partners in co-branding.
DON’T introduce more than two partners in co-branding. Only one Meta technology or program and one partner brand can show up in a co-branding execution.
DO use symbols only for space-constrained layouts and when partnership context has already been set. When using a symbol only to represent both brands, you may use the Meta symbol presented with equal balance. This is rare so please work closely with your Meta contact for detailed guidelines and approvals.
DON’T mix logo treatments, such as using a full lockup for one brand and only the symbol for the other, as that will create an unbalanced visual.
Use this execution when the goal is to show how one partner supports another.
How to use the credit line with logo
When a third-party partner is the host, there are two scenarios:
When the partner leaves it to Meta to define the credit line treatment, the Meta team creates a lockup following the rules below and provides it to the partner.
When the third-party partner determines the credit line treatment, Meta is responsible for providing its partner with the correct logo and clear space guidance.
For information on logo treatment, refer to the design guidelines of your Meta offering.
Logo version
Sizing, spacing and alignment
Use “h” for the height of the credit line as a measurement reference. Ensure the font size is large enough to remain legible.
The minimum size for credit line type is 6pt.
There are two options for credit line placement:
Credit line on top (primary)
Center the credit line with the logo or logo lockup.
The distance between the logo and credit line is 3 h.
The height of the logo is 3 h.
Credit line in line (secondary)
Place the credit line to the left of the logo or logo lockup.
Use the top and bottom of the logo to align the credit line.
The distance between the logo and credit line is 3 h.
The height of the logo is 2 h.
Respect the minimum clear space for the guest logo.
Note: If the partner is the host, they may have guidance in place to direct the size and spacing. If not, use the guidance above.
Credit line typography
Typography follows the host’s brand guidelines.
For example, if Meta is the host (scenario 1), use:
Optimistic Regular
Sentence case
If Facebook is the host, use:
Facebook Sans
Sentence case
Note: If the partner is the host (scenario 2), they may have guidance in place to direct the credit line type. If not, use the above type guidance.
Logo and credit line color when the partner is the host
The host guides the visual identity for the touchpoint.
If the third-party partner brand allows the full credit line lockup, we will provide the asset in full color and monochromatic white.
If the third-party partner brand provides the credit line, we will provide just the logo in both versions.
Always ensure legibility. This includes creating enough contrast between logos and the background color.
Approved credit line articulations
Credit lines may be localized and should be written in sentence case. If your brand’s guidelines dictate preferred credit lines, please check with your Meta counterpart to ensure the language may be used. For example, we do not say “Powered by” for any of our brands.
If you are unable to use one of our preferred credit lines below, please work with your Meta counterpart for approvals on the suggested alternate.
Applying the guidance
Usage guidance
DO use an approved credit line.
DON’T use an unapproved credit line. “Powered by” is not an approved credit line.
DO follow the correct guidance on sizing, spacing and alignment.
DON’T break the credit line to logo size ratio. Here, the Meta logo lockup is disproportionately large compared to the credit line’s height.
Use this execution when the goal is to show how multiple partners play a supportive role.
How to use brand inclusion
Brand inclusion occurs when one of our logos is included in a larger set of partners. The host logo should be set apart from the larger set of supportive offerings.
Logo version
Size and spacing
Logos can be arranged in horizontal or vertical positions, depending on the available space on the communication. Use the height of the first partner logo and “1.5 h” as a guide for the spacing between the logos. Scale other logos in the same manner.
This scaling approach works in most cases; however, because logo design can vary, ensure logo spacing is visually balanced.
When a Meta technology or program is a guest, respect the minimum clear space established by its brand.
Logo color
The host visual identity will guide the communication.
Logos take one of two color variations:
On white backgrounds use the primary, full-color logo or logo lockup.
On dark, bright or photo backgrounds, use monochromatic white.
As an option, you can create a white banner to insert partner logos in full color.
Always ensure legibility. This includes creating enough contrast between logos and the background color.
Applying the guidance
Meta is included as one of the sponsors at FilmOrg’s festival.
Usage guidance
DO space the partner logos correctly.
DON’T use the hairline treatment for brand inclusion.
DO present only one Meta technology or program in a partnership host environment.
DON’T present more than one Meta technology or program when a partner is the host. Here, we shouldn’t have Facebook and Meta Quest represented together but rather should choose one of the two — or use Meta to represent both.
How to use neutral branding
On rare occasions when no partner is the host, create a neutral identity and use the brand inclusion execution. Examples include neutral industry events and spaces.
One partner should be responsible for developing and maintaining the brand assets.
All associated websites, marketing materials, email addresses and social handles should take the name of the neutral brand, and position each of the participating partners equally.
For guidance on clear space and color treatment, follow the above “How to use brand inclusion” guidance.
If you have a partnership that requires neutral branding, please work closely with your Meta contact for detailed guidelines and approvals.
Applying the guidance
Meta is one of several partners in the Anti Cyber Bullying Initiative. A neutrally branded microsite explains how the program works and positions all partners as equal contributors.
Usage guidance
DO use the full-color logos on a white background or monochromatic white logos on the host’s brand color background.
DON’T create a visual identity that is derivative (in color, typography, etc.) of any participating brand.
If you are planning to build a certification badge or an ingredient badge, please have your Meta counterpart work with the Brand Review team internally.
If you have any other questions, please reach out to your Meta counterpart. We ask that all content be submitted for review by your Meta counterpart.