The WhatsApp brand is more than just a name. It's a set of values, attributes, and design principles that reflects the spirit of our company. Using it consistently will reinforce our passion and commitment to connect the world through real-time communication.
As a condition to using the WhatsApp brand assets ("WhatsApp Brand Resources"), you agree to all the guidelines and instructions below ("Guidelines").
These Guidelines clarify the ways you can and cannot use the WhatsApp Brand Resources for marketing and other purposes. These Guidelines also contain legal disclosures and a general set of questions and answers that address common inquiries and concerns.
Use the WhatsApp name and logos found on our WhatsApp Brand Guidelines website only, and not those found anywhere else. Make sure you check the WhatsApp Brand Resources in these Guidelines often to ensure you're using the most current version.
Do not use other trademarks, names, domain names, logos, or other content that could be confused with WhatsApp.
When you're talking about WhatsApp, always capitalize the letters "W" and "A," and never modify or abbreviate the word "WhatsApp."
Remember to display the word WhatsApp in the same font size and style as the content surrounding it, and never use any of the WhatsApp logos to replace the word WhatsApp in a sentence.
These rules are intended to promote consistent use of the WhatsApp brand. This prevents confusion and makes it easier for people to instantly recognize references to WhatsApp. These Guidelines also help protect our trademarks.
WhatsApp doesn't permit or license its trademarks, logos or other intellectual property for use on merchandise like toys, apparel, accessories or packaging without explicit prior written approval.
If you want to use the WhatsApp Brand Resources in TV or film, make sure to review these Guidelines first. If you are working with a WhatsApp contact, please speak to your WhatsApp contact to obtain permissions clearance. Please include:
It normally takes 2-3 weeks for requests to be processed. We can only grant permission after review of the final version of your commercial, film, or program.
No, you may not modify the WhatsApp Brand Resources in any way, including changing the design or combining the WhatsApp Brand Resources with other words or images. You shouldn't modify any colors in our logos.
You may scale the size of WhatsApp Brand Resources to suit your needs, as long as they are not the most distinctive or prominent feature on your web page, printed material or other content.
You may use the word “WhatsApp” in your book or play to accurately describe your subject matter, as long as it's clear that WhatsApp doesn't endorse or sponsor your project. You may not use WhatsApp logos or images in your book or play without prior written permission from WhatsApp.
You can only use the official WhatsApp Brand Resources that are available from the WhatsApp Brand Resources website.
You may not use any WhatsApp trademarks, or anything similar, in your trademark, domain name, username, or other account name.
Avoid using the WhatsApp name or logos, or a combination of these, as a verb.
WhatsApp dedicates substantial resources to the development and protection of its intellectual property. In addition to seeking registration of its trademarks and logos, WhatsApp enforces its rights against people who misuse its trademarks.
The following list contains actions and uses of the WhatsApp Brand Resources that are strictly prohibited:
DON'T use the WhatsApp Brand Resources in a way that implies partnership, sponsorship, or endorsement by WhatsApp or any of its affiliates.
DON'T combine the WhatsApp name or logos, or any portion of any of them, with any other logo, company name, mark, or generic terms.
DON'T use WhatsApp or any of the WhatsApp Brand Resources as a verb.
DON'T make WhatsApp the most distinctive or prominent feature of your materials.
DON'T use the WhatsApp Brand Resources in a way that is misleading, defamatory, libelous, obscene, infringing, illegal, derogatory, dilutive, or otherwise impairing or objectionable to the rights of WhatsApp or any third party.
DON'T use the WhatsApp Brand Resources as part of a name of a product or service of a company other than WhatsApp.
DON'T use an image confusingly similar to the WhatsApp telephone logo or any other WhatsApp Brand Resource or other variation of any WhatsApp Brand Resource for any purpose.
DON'T use a variation, phonetic equivalent, foreign language equivalent, takeoff, or abbreviation of a WhatsApp trademark (or any portion of it), for any purpose, such as WhatsAp, WatsApp, WutsApp, wazapp, watapp, wutzap, watzapp, ZapZap, etc.
DON'T manufacture, sell, or give-away merchandise items, such as T-shirts and mugs, bearing any WhatsApp Brand Resources.
DON'T use the WhatsApp trademark, or anything similar, as, or as part of, a second level domain name or platform username.
Meta dedicates substantial resources to the development and protection of its intellectual property. In addition to seeking registration of its trademarks and logos around the world, Meta enforces its rights against people who misuse its trademarks.
Meta’s trademarks are owned by Meta and may only be used as provided in these guidelines or with Meta’s permission. A list of some of Meta’s trademarks can be found here. You may not use or register, or otherwise claim rights in any Meta trademark, including as or as part of any trademark, service mark, company name, trade name, username or domain registration. You should not use or claim rights in any trademark in a way that is confusingly similar to or dilutive of Meta’s trademarks, including as, or as any part of, a trademark. Do not use Meta’s trademarks for anything that would be inconsistent with Meta’s Terms of Service or Community Standards.
We may revoke permission to use Meta’s trademarks at any time. Meta reserves the right to withhold approval of content that it considers inconsistent with the Meta brand.